
IDProblem NameConstraintsActionSolve_StatusDifficulty_level
55Reverse String1 <= |s| <= 10000Easy
56count vowel1 <= Length of S <= 10^5Medium
57Maximum Sub Array-10^4 <= A[i] <= 10^4Easy
58Remove duplicates from a sorted array.1 ≤ N ≤ 104Easy
35Reverse a Linked ListThe list size will not exceed 1000.Easy
60Prime NumberEasy
61unique charactersEasy
62Sum of Unique Elements1 ≤ n ≤ 1000 1 ≤ a i ​ ≤ 1000Easy
63Armstrong Number CheckerEasy
64First Non-Repeated Character1 <= |s| <= 10000Medium
65Maximum Element in ArrayThe array size can vary from 1 to 10000. The integers can range from -1000000 to 1000000.Easy
12Factorial Calculation0≤n≤20Easy
13Character Replacement in StringEasy
14Count Vowels and Consonants1 <= |s| <= 10000Easy
15Bubble Sort Implementation1 <= array length <= 1000 -10^6 <= array elements <= 10^6Easy
16Reverse Linked ListEasy
17Quick SortEasy
1Two Floating Point Numbers AverageEasy
18Strong Number Checker1 <= array length <= 10^5 -10^9 <= array elements <= 10^9Medium
19Merge Sorted Arraynums1.length == m + n nums2.length == n 0 <= m, n <= 200 1 <= m + n <= 200 -10^9 <= nums1[i], nums2[j] <= 10^9Easy
20String Compression1 <= chars.length <= 2000Easy
21Find the Difference of Two ArraysEasy
25Delete the Middle Node of a Linked ListEasy
22Unique Number of OccurrencesEasy
23Determine if Two Strings Are CloseMedium
24Removing Stars From a StringMedium
26Write a class called MyRegex which will contain a string pattern. You need to write a regular expression and assign it to the pattern such that it can be used to validate an IP address. Use the following definition of an IP address:Easy
27Simple Bill ProblemThe input list can contain between 2 and 1 0 5 10 5 integers. Each integer can be in the range of 0 0 to 1 0 9 10 9 .Medium
28time-conversionAll input times are validEasy
36Check if Array is SortedThe array size will not exceed 1000.Easy
37Find the Maximum Element in an ArrayThe array size will not exceed 1000.Easy
39Remove Duplicates from an ArrayThe array size will not exceed 1000.Easy
38Insert an Element into an ArrayThe array size will not exceed 1000Easy
40Find the Second Largest Element in an ArrayThe array size will not exceed 1000.Medium
41Merge Two Sorted ArraysMedium
42Find Maximum Occurrence ValueThe array size will not exceed 1000. & The integer values in the array are non-negative.Medium
43Sum of Array ElementsThe array size will not exceed 1000 elements.Medium
2Arithmetic OperationsEasy
3Grade ClassificationEasy
4Maximum of Three Numbersinput integers:-2147483648 to 2147483647Easy
5SwapThe input integers should be within the range of typical 32-bit integers: -2147483648 to 2147483647Easy
6Leap Year CheckEasy
7Reverse an ArrayMaximum array size is 1000.Easy
8Prime NumberThe integer will be a non-negative number.Medium
9Factorial CalculationEasy
10Conditional Rendering Days in monthEasy
11even or oddEasy
66Compare Two IntegersBoth integers should be within the range of int (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).Easy
67Check Positive or NegativeThe integer should be within the range of int.Easy
68Find the Largest of Two NumbersBoth numbers should be within the range of intEasy
69Determine Grade Using Switch CaseInput should be an integer from 1 to 5.Easy
70Check if Number is Divisible by 3 or 5The integer should be within the range of int.Easy
71Find the Day of the WeekInput should be an integer from 1 to 7.Easy
72Find the Smallest of Three NumbersAll three integers should be within the range of int.Easy
73Determine the Number of Days in a MonthInput should be an integer from 1 to 12.Easy
74Calculate Absolute ValueThe integer should be within the range of int.Easy
75Check if a Character is a Vowel or ConsonantThe input should be a single character. The character can be either an uppercase or lowercase letter.Easy
76Check if Two Numbers are EqualBoth integers should be within the range of int.Easy
77Determine Character TypeThe input should be a single character.Easy
78Simple Calculator Using Switch CaseBoth numbers should be within the range of int. The operator should be one of +, -, *, /.Easy
79Convert Numerical Grade to Letter Grade Using SwitchThe input should be an integer from 1 to 5.Easy
80Check if a Character is an Alphabet, Digit, or Special CharacterThe input should be a single character.Easy
81Print a MessageNone.Easy
82Variable Assignment and OutputNone.Easy
84Boolean CheckInput is an integer.Easy
83Addition of Two FloatsNone.Easy
85Compare Two FloatsInput is two floats.Easy
86Check if a Character is UppercaseInput is a single character.Easy
87Arithmetic Operations Using FunctionsInputs are two integers.Easy
88Square Root Calculation Using Math FunctionsInput is a positive number.Easy
89Power Calculation Using Math FunctionsInputs are two positive numbers.Easy
90Modulus OperationInputs are two integers.Easy
91Check Odd or Even Using FunctionsInput is an integer.Easy
92Calculate Compound InterestInputs are principal, rate, time, and number of times interest applied.Easy
93Sum of Digits Using FunctionsInput is a non-negative integer.Easy
94Check Palindrome StringInput is a string.Easy
95Count Vowels in a StringInput is a string.Easy
96Sum and Average of an ArrayArray size is between 1 and 100.Easy
97Find Maximum and Minimum in an ArrayArray size is between 1 and 100.Easy
98Sort Array in Descending OrderArray size is between 1 and 100.Easy
99Matrix MultiplicationMatrices are 2D arrays of size 3x3.Easy
100Check Perfect SquareInput is a positive integer.Easy
101Check Armstrong NumberInput is a positive integer.Easy
102Decimal to Binary ConversionInput is a positive integer.Easy
103Binary to Decimal ConversionInput is a binary number.Easy
104Find Prime Numbers in a RangeInputs are positive integers.Easy
105Check if a Number is a Perfect NumberInput is a positive integer.Easy
106Calculate GCD of Two NumbersInputs are positive integers.Easy
107Calculate LCM of Two NumbersInputs are positive integers.Easy
108Check if a Number is a PalindromeInput is a positive integer.Medium
109Print Fibonacci SeriesInput is a positive integer.Easy
110Calculate Sum of Fibonacci SeriesInput is a positive integer.Medium
111Find Factorial of a Number Using RecursionInput is a positive integer.Medium
112Calculate Power Using RecursionInputs are two positive integers.Medium
113Sum of Array Elements Using RecursionArray size is between 1 and 100.Easy
114Reverse a String Using RecursionInput is a string.Easy
115Calculate Sum of Digits Using RecursionInput is a non-negative integer.Easy
116Calculate GCD Using RecursionInputs are positive integers.Easy
117Find Maximum Element Using RecursionArray size is between 1 and 100.Medium
118Fibonacci Series Using RecursionInput is a positive integer.Easy
119Check Prime Using RecursionInput is a positive integer.Easy
120Count Digits Using RecursionInput is a non-negative integer.Easy
121Check Palindrome Using RecursionInput is a string.Easy
122Find Length of a String Using RecursionInput is a string.Easy
123Print Array Elements Using RecursionArray size is between 1 and 100.Medium
124Calculate Power of a Number Using RecursionInputs are two positive integers.Medium
125Find Largest Element in an Array Using RecursionArray size is between 1 and 100.Easy
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